In the United Kingdom, a healthy 14-year-old girl presented to the emergency department at Horton General Hospital in Banbury (near Oxford), having sustained an injury to her right foot with associated difficulty in mobilization. She had been playing on her Wii Fit balance board and had fallen off, sustaining an inversion injury. (The Wii Fit replaces handheld controls with a pressure-sensitive board about 2 in. off the ground that lets the user participate in tricky games that can improve balance.)
We present the case of a 16-year-old boy who injured his knee whilst playing on the video games console Nintendo Wii. The patient presented with an acutely swollen and painful knee to the emergency department of our institution. Initial radiographs revealed an effusion and an osteochondral fracture. Further imaging with magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated evidence of lateral patella dislocation with medial patello-femoral ligamentous damage and a large femoral osteochondral fracture. The patient was successfully treated with surgical fixation of the osteochondral fragment and medial patello-femoral ligament repair. This case highlights the force that can be generated whilst using these new games consoles.
A 38-year-old man presented to the accident and emergency department complaining of severe neck pain. This had started immediately after swinging his Wii game console control during a rather vigorous game. An X-ray demonstrated a clay-shoveler’s fracture of C7. This had radiological features to suggest an acute injury. This is the first report of a clay-shoveler’s fracture strongly suggestive of being related to the use of a Wii console.
PURPOSE: The increasing popularity of the Wii video game console has been associated with a number of gameplay related traumas. We sought to investigate if there were any identifiable injury patterns associated with Wii use. METHODS: Utilising a database of self-reported Wii related injuries, the data was categorised by type of injury and game title being played at the time of injury. FINDINGS: We found that of 39 reported Wii related injuries over a two-year span, 46% occurred while playing the Wii Sports Tennis software. Further, we identified 14 distinct injury patterns sustained during gameplay. Of these injuries, hand lacerations were the most common, accounting for 44% of the total number of reported cases. CONCLUSIONS: Injury associated with video game play is not unique to the Wii, nor is it a new phenomenon. However, the Wii console appears to have a higher rate of associated injuries than traditional game consoles because of its unique user interface. We review the literature and discuss some of the medical complications associated with the Wii and other video game consoles.
現在の所、脳卒中に関しては BPLTTCの結果や、どの大規模研究でも降圧で脳卒中が減っていることを考えると “The lower, the better” が正解に近い気がします (ただし、高度の頚動脈狭窄がある患者では、過度の血圧降下は脳血流低下を招くので注意が必要です)。心臓に関しては専門外なので良く知りませんが、 ARBに対して ACE-Iの優位性がありそうで、AHAのガイドラインでもそのように区別されています。
とはいえ、私は ARBを良く処方します。結局は下がれば良い・・・ってのが一つと、海外の ACE-Iと比べて日本の ACE-Iは降圧効果が弱いのではないかという疑問があるからです。また、ACE-Iを最初に処方して咳の副作用が出ると、患者さんから「藪医者」とか思われるリスクがあります。治療を drop outされてしまうと、何をしてるんだかわかりません。