Glenn Gould

By , 2007年8月27日 12:50 AM

今日は、ほろ酔い加減で「Glenn Gould」について語ります。Gouldは夏目漱石に傾倒していたとする逸話があり、日本人としては少し親近感が持てます。

私が初めてGouldの演奏を聴いたのは、「グレン・グールド/バッハ全集」というCDでした。当時は研修医で、今よりハードな生活をしており、バイト当直が週2日、大学当直が週1日、当直がない日も帰宅は毎日終電近くで、少ない睡眠時間も深夜に看護師からの電話で起こされる毎日、患者のことを考えるよりも自分を守ることで精一杯でした。3日連続当直で、睡眠時間が 3日で 3時間という時もありました。Gouldのゴルドベルク変奏曲 (J.S.Bach) は、そんな時期に聴いただけに、荒んだ心に染みこむように感じました。


最近、Gouldの CDをまた買いました。ベートーヴェンの協奏曲集なのですが、特に第5番(皇帝)が綺麗でした。ソロパートの旋律を紡ぐように演奏するところで心を打たれました。他の協奏曲についてはノーコメントとしておきます。

ゴルドベルク変奏曲については、1955年と 1981年の録音が知られています。ミッシャ・マイスキーによるチェロ組曲 (Bach) は、歳をとってからの録音の方がテンポが速いのに対して、Gouldのゴルドベルク変奏曲の場合は逆で、1981年は優しくゆっくり弾いているのが印象的でした。この曲は、最近ペライアの CDを買って、再び感銘を受けました。

さて、前置きはそのくらいにして、紹介するのは、Gouldの死因についてです。これは実際に医学論文が出ています。一部引用しますが、推敲していませんので、(ほろ酔い加減でもあるし) スペルミスなどあるかもしれません。是非原文に当たることをお薦めします。

Lopez-Yunez AM, Buller J. Glenn Gould: Insights into the cause of death of the great pianist. Semin Neurol 19 Suppl 1: 11-16, 1999

Glenn Gould waas born September 25, 1932, in Tronto, Canada. His birth certificate read Glenn Herbert Gold, but later the family name was changed to Gould. His father, Russel, was a prosperous furrier and a good singer. His mother, Florence, was gifted musician who studied piano and voice. She also taught piano lessons and was described as demanding and conscientionus teacher. During her pregnancy, she spent long hours playing classical music with the expectation that the child’s developing brain would accommodate to music. Her medical history was remarkable for “several” miscarriage before delivering Glenn Gould. However, we have no information of any thrombotic events affecting her or her relatives that might suggest an underlying hypercoagulable disorder, although she died at 85 years of age from a cerebral infarction.(以下略)

ここまででわかることは、両親に音楽的素養があったこと、母親が胎教を試みたこと、母親に習慣性流産の既往があったこと、加えて母親が脳梗塞で死亡しており、何らかの凝固系の疾患 (凝固亢進) があった可能性があるということです。

次いで、原文は省略しますが、彼が如何に神童であったかが示されます。絶対音感があったとか、その他諸々。面白い逸話は、彼のペットの話。彼の子供の頃のペットの名前は、鳥が Mozart、4匹の金魚がそれぞれ Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Haydnだったのです。


Along with his genius, Glenn Gould was known for his eccentricities and multiple health concerns. According to Bob Fulford, a childhood friend, Gould’s mother was always worried about his complexion and appetite and did not allow him to get close to anyone who was sick, even if it was minor illness. This might have been the origin of Gould’s lifetime fear of germs that later translated into overdressing, wearing overcoats, woolen gloves, and scarves even in summer, to protect himself from colds and infections. He also became an expert in infectious diseases and new developments in antibiotics by reading numerous medical books.
At age 10, Gould slipped and fell in his summer cottage. He then developed severe chronic back pain and visited several physicians without relief. Dr. Arthur Bennett, a chiropractor, finally diagnosed his condition as scoliosis, which he treated for several years with massage and ultrasound. This pain would recur in 1960, when he was at Steinway Piano Company and had some arguments with the chief technician about modifications of his piano. At some point, the technician slapped Gould on the back, perhaps as reconciliation gesture. Gould became extremely upset and complained of severe back pain. He also developed an aching pain of his left arm and a tingling sensation in the left fourth and fifth digits. An orthopedic surgeon diagnosed him with ulnar neuropraxia resulting from the injury he had suffered at Steinway. This opinion ultimately led to a lawsuit settlement with the company.
He was treated with physical therapy and corticosteroids without success. He sought another opinion from a neurologist at Johns Hopkins who found a left facial tic but no other neurological deficits. He suggested that Gould’s complaints were mostly psychosomatic. His psychiatrist, Dr. Stephens, concurred with this assessment.
In 1976, Gould’s personal physician diagnosed him with borderline hypertention (blood pressure 150/90 mmHg). He did not prescribe any medication. However, a nephrologist started antihypertensive treatment and treated him for gout, parkinsonism, and anxiety. Except for diazepam, which he took for many years on a regular basis, the name of the other medications are not available, and we have no other details about the presumed diagnosis of parkinsonism. It is hard to believe this was an accurate diagnosis based on Gould’s remarkable preservations of finger dexterity.


彼は自分の肉体に気を遣いすぎてかえって精神を病んでいたのではないかと思います。神経学的に説明の付かない症状を訴え続け、神経内科医と精神科医から「精神的なもの」と診断されています。その後も彼の訴えは続き、「palpitations, indigestive-style chest pains, dream episodes, shivers from top to nose, liquid consumption trigger pockets of ulcer-like pains through to back, bladder pressure, urination while asleep」と多彩です。心身症に近い病態だったのかもしれません。Steinwayとの訴訟の顛末も論文で触れられていますが、ここで初めて知りました。


Two days after his fiftieth birthday (注:9月27日) Glenn Gould told his friend Ray Roberts he thought he was having a stroke. He complained of left leg numbness upon awakening in the afternoon. Roberts called Dr. Percival, who had received many alarming calls from Gould over the years. He was not impressed by the symptoms and recommended observation. An hour later, Gould did not feel well at all and insisted on seeng his doctor. This time Dr. Percival recommended rapid transportation to emergency department, as he could not see him at home. Gould initially refused, but 2 hours later agreed after developing severe headache and dysarthria. Roberts took him to the Tront General Hospital. Review of systems demonstrated cold symptoms and “congestion” within the past 10 days. Blood pressure was 124/90 mmHg, and pulse was 104 pre minute. He was alert and oriented. He had mild left hemiparesis, left sided hyperrelfexia, and a normal sensory examination. He was admitted with a presumptive diagnosis of right frontal cerebral infarction and was treated with dipyridamole.

少なくとも、Gouldには、「高血圧」「痛風」の既往があることがわかります。左下肢のしびれ感から徐々に構音障害や左片麻痺が出現し、進行の経過からまずアテローム血栓性脳梗塞を第一に考えますが、risk factorに乏しい印象です。通常、椎骨動脈解離を除き脳梗塞では頭痛は見られないことが多いし、脳梗塞急性期としては血圧の上昇もないし、あまり典型的ではない印象です。1982年の出来事ですが、緊急 CTは施行されなかったようです。


The next day, Gould showed signs of disorientation, and within 24 hours he complained of severe headache; he became lethargic and developed dysarthria and worsening hemiparesis. Computed tomography showed a right hemispheric infarction with mass effect and midline shift. Workup showed a right internal carotid artery occlusion (unknown if diagnosed by ultrasound or conventional angiography). He was treated with endotracheal intubation, dexamethasone, and mannitol without improvement. His condition deteriorated, and over the 48 hours he was diagnosed with brain death, a diagnosis supported clinically and by electroencephalography (EEG). Artificial life support was withdrawn and, on October 4, he was pronounced dead.

翌日、更に症状は進行しました。そこで頭部 CTを初めて施行され、midline shift (脳の正中偏倚) を伴った重篤な状態であることがわかりました。また、右内頸動脈閉塞も指摘されました。脳ヘルニアも合併していた可能性があり、強力な抗脳浮腫薬であるマンニトールを投与され、人工呼吸器管理となりましたが、48時間以後経過して脳死と判定されました。あっさり人工呼吸器が外され、10月4日死亡確認されました。


An autopsy done 2 hours later showed a right cavernous sinus thrombosis, estimated to have been 10 days old. This coincided with the time he had complained of cold symptoms. No bacteria or fungi were demonstrated. The cavernous segment of the right internal carotid artery showed a more recent, less organized thrombus and inflammation of the adventitia. The extracranial and intracranial carotid arteries showed no significant atherosclerotic stenosis.
The brain showed massive cerebral edema, which was worse in the right hemisphere, as well as changes consistent with partially hemorrhagic cerebral infarction in the territory of the right internal carotid artery. It also showed tonsillar herniation through the foramen magnum, and alghough not described, probably other types of brain herniation.
The general autopsy showed left ventricular hypertrophy, most likely secondary to longstanding hypertension, siagnosed since 1976. There were no intracardiac thrombi, patent foramen ovale, valvular heart disease, vegetations, or any other potential cardiac sources of emboli. The liver showed mild fatty change. Most of his organs showed no pathology.


では、海綿静脈洞血栓症がどのように脳梗塞に関係したのでしょうか?著者は、Gouldが副鼻腔炎に罹患していたと指摘します。そのため副鼻腔炎から右海綿静脈洞血栓症を起こし、解剖学的に近い右内頸動脈の cavernous segmentに閉塞を起こしたのではないかと推測しています。


しかし、著者らはそれでも「海綿静脈洞血栓症後の海綿静脈洞部内頸動脈の感染性血栓 (septic cavernous carotid artery thrombosis) がGouldの死因として尤もらしい」としています。


「Sperber M. Variations on theme of shame: chekhov, Glenn Gould, and the “case-in-man” syndrome. Psychoanal Rev 86: 175-89, 1999」

チェーホフは「箱の中の男(The Man in a Case)」という小説も書いているそうなのですが、それといつもコートを手放さないGouldの性格を比較しているようです。

著者はこれを症候群として述べており、該当部分を引用します (ちなみに、引用文では (1) ~ (7) のうち (6) が抜けていますが、原文でも抜けていました)。

Internalized toxic shame can lead to constellation of personological traits I call “the cased-in man syndrome,” after Chekhov’s story. The afflicted (1) wear an overabundance of apparel, even on the warmest summer days; (2) carry many possessions-pen, knife umbrella, pocket watch, and so on-wrapped, or in a little case; (3) are often overcontrolling, perfectionistic, and power seeking; (4) frequently live apart in a rural hermit’s abode or in an electronically surveyed urban dwelling, with a watch dog; (5) prefer work with little human contact (for instance, as a forest ranger or studio-recording artist); (7) have been manipulated by shame in childhood and are hypersensitive to ridicule, humiliation, and even, at times, constructive, criticism.


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2 Responses to “Glenn Gould”

  1. Tatch Muramatsu より:


    • migunosuke より:

      最近、弦楽トリオ版で Goldbergを練習しており、改めてこの曲の魅力に取りつかれています。そして、Goldbergといえば、私の中ではいまだにグールドのイメージが大きいです。

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