Rev Mal Respir. 1992;9(4):470-1.Links
[Occupational asthma caused by ebony wood][Article in French]Kopferschmitt-Kubler MC, Bachez P, Bessot JC, Pauli G.
Service de Pneumologie, Pavillon Laennec, CHRU, Strasbourg.A case of occupational asthma to ebony wood dust is described in a violin and stringed instrument maker, who was sanding and filing ebony to make the finger boards of violins and cellos. The diagnosis was confirmed using a realistic provocation test; after sanding and smoothing the ebony for 20 minutes the patient developed bronchial spasm with fall of the force expired volume in one second (VMS) of 45% which was reversible following the inhalation of beta 2 agonists. A delayed reaction was seen at 3 hours and 6 hours and at 20 hours after the test. The observations of occupational asthma or rhinitis to ebony wood are very rare. To our knowledge there are two publications at the present time. It has been recognised as an occupational disease (see table 47 of occupational diseases) and an exclusion order has been effected.
PMID: 1509193 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]
診断には誘発試験が用いられます。実際には、20分間黒檀を研磨するなどの作業をした後、患者が気管支の spasm (攣縮) を起こし、1秒率 (force expired volume in one second; VMS) が 45%低下したことから、気道の過敏性を証明し、β2刺激薬吸入を行って可逆性を証明しています(喘息の確定診断には、気道の過敏性や可逆性の証明が大切です)。遅発性反応が、3時間、6時間、20時間後に見られています。